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The Bravery of Carola RacketeMarina Warner

  In June 2019, Carola Rackete, captain of the boat Sea-Watch 3, entered the port of Lampedusa and thereby defied the new Italian law against entering territorial waters. By doing so, she saved the lives of forty refugees who, in the intense heat, were suffering from thirst and threatening to throw themselves overboard – though […]

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Writing Needs to be Offered as a Gift to its AudienceTom Bullough Interviews Jay Griffiths

Jay, what a treat to fire you questions. As you know, I think Why Rebel is a wonder – and, really, it answers this first in itself – but all the same it is such a central question for you, for me, for so many writers: How do you square the urgency of the CEE (Climate and […]

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How to Tell a Story to Save the World 1Toby Litt

In the next five months Writers Rebel is exclusively serialising Toby Litt’s How to Tell a Story to Save the World, a short book about storytelling, heroism, climate collapse and hope.   Normally, when people come along to a creative writing class, they are hoping to learn how to write better stories, not how to […]

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Q & A with Isobel WohlIncluding an extract from her debut novel, Cold New Climate

Katherine Angel has described your new novel, Cold New Climate, as tackling both “personal and global catastrophe”. Can you tell us a bit more about the novel and how you approached these themes? The novel came out of a sense of curiosity about myopia and entitlement. At the outset, Lydia is dissatisfied and bored in […]

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Our Oceans: Are we looking at it all backwards?Deb Rowan Wright

Over many years working in ocean conservation, I’ve met people in fishing communities from Cornwall to Scotland, celebrity chefs, MPs, journalists, students, and scientists. We’ve discussed catch quotas, fishing gear, microplastics, aggregate dredging, by-catch, super-trawlers, and harmful state subsidies. I’ve learned about marine litter, EU law, dead zones, longlines, ghost fishing, beam trawling, and ocean […]

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Tell George Eustice MP: Don’t push insects to the brink!Join our campaign to get proper legal protection for our insects under threat

This is the email we will send to George Eustice MP. (You can personalise the message by scrolling down to the petition and clicking on the eye to read/edit. Personalised messages are more effective.) The fate of insects and humans is tightly intertwined. Without pollinators, our crops fail. Without worms and beetles, our soils are […]

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Tax Strike!Jane Rogers

I joined XR back in January 2019 and since then I’ve taken part in numerous XR actions, locally and nationally, and been arrested.  But during the pandemic, an increasing sense of futility has kicked in. What difference do these actions really make? On a bad day, they can seem, as Roger Scranton has put it, […]

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The Natural World Is In Our KeepingLaline Paull

Author of Bailey’s Women’s Prize for Fiction shortlisted novel ‘The Bees’ Laline Paul shares her thoughts on zoomorphism, ice, and how stories open new worlds of possibility. You are one of the few writers who has written for adults from the perspective of non-human creatures. What led to you make that leap of the imagination, and how do people […]

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Yaku Pérez: The Indigenous Water Defender Who Might be Ecuador’s Next PresidentBeth Pitts

The incredible story of Yaku Pérez, an indigenous water defender who, after being jailed and nearly assassinated for his activism, is among the top three candidates in Ecuador’s presidential election, taking place on February 7th. #YakuPresidente #ClaroQueSePuede, #YakuEs […]

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Mary Wollstonecraft as environmental prophetBee Rowlatt

Mary Wollstonecraft is best known for her pioneering writing on human rights, feminism and education. But one of her lesser-known works contains a startlingly prophetic insight into humankind’s impact on the environment. By @BeeRowlatt How did you first become aware of the natural world’s vulnerability to the impact of humans? Did it come as an […]

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