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Shadwell Three: Phil Kingston’s Defence StatementPhil Kingston

  Phil Kingston, 85, was one of three Christians on trial in January 2021 after they stopped a train at Shadwell Station in London in 2019. Two people stood on top of the train while Phil superglued himself to the side of the train. All three were acquitted. Here are some extracts from the defence […]

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The Vicar, The Priest and The Former Probation OfficerJessica Townsend

  A vicar, a priest and an elderly former probation officer sat on a train. Not in a train, you understand: on it. It sounds like the beginning of a joke but it’s not. Far from it. These are the facts that were established at the beginning of a court case in which three people […]

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Q&A with Laura Jean McKayLaura Jean McKay

  Laura Jean McKay is the author of The Animals in That Country, which in her home of Australia won the 2021 Victorian Prize for Literature and the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for Fiction. The novel then won the prestigious Arthur C Clarke Award Science Fiction Book of the Year. Here she discusses with Alex Lockwood […]

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Protest Policing – From the InsideAlice O'Keeffe

  Yesterday, large parts of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill were voted down by the House of Lords, with peers raising many objections to its vision of a tougher approach to protest in Britain. Now the Commons will have another chance to debate the Bill. The process surrounding this Bill has been anti-democratic […]

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My Tipping PointSally O'Reilly

  It happened on the 8.10 from Euston to Manchester Piccadilly. It was a Tuesday in February 2019. The train was zooming through the outskirts of London. The carriage smelled of aftershave and Costa coffee, there was the tap-tap of laptop keyboards and pre-work chitchat as normal people headed to normal meetings. I was going […]

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