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Frequencies at DuskJane Smith

  Twenty of us stood masked and slightly nervous in the brightly-lit prefab hut, ready to be initiated into a whole new world of nocturnal life. Phil from the local bat group showed us photos of brown long-eared bats, talked about bat altruism and touched on the wonder of the nursery roosts he’d seen. He […]

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Read: Tree Girl – A Short StoryClare Hobba

  Each morning, I file my vlog.  The leaves rustle round me and the squirrels curse at me but I hold up my phone and talk loudly at it. Yesterday, for the first time, I didn’t feel like it.  Not much had changed so it seemed a shame to disturb the tree top talking about […]

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Read: I dropped out of school to protest the Climate EmergencyBlue Sandford

Blue Sandford at an Extinction Rebellion demonstration.

  I did my GCSEs last year, a few weeks after the April Rebellion. I just scraped through – when you’ve spent two weeks on the barricades watching people being carried away by the police and hearing scary facts about the future of the planet, exams don’t seem that important. Why do I care how […]

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Read: Blog From the Treetops in the Roald Dahl WoodsAmy Caitlin

  ‘On a hill above the valley there was a wood.  In the wood there was a huge tree.  Under the tree there was a hole.  In the hole lived Mr Fox and Mrs Fox and their four Small Foxes.’    These are the opening lines of Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. It’s July […]

Read More… from Read: Blog From the Treetops in the Roald Dahl WoodsAmy Caitlin