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Jessica Townsend’s Court StatementJessica Townsend

Writer and activist Jessica Townsend.

    Whenever I hear an interviewer or journalist say; ‘We know all about the climate crisis but why are you disrupting the ordinary people of Britain?’ I know that they have seen some headlines and they have probably read a few articles, but they don’t know about the crisis. Not really. If they had […]

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Asking the help of ghostsAlice Albinia

  The beginning of each book is often so distant from its end. I began my first book thinking I was writing a history of the river Indus. But when I eventually arrived in Pakistan, the Indus river’s ecological present burst onto its pages. Water, the lack of it—and the impossibility of sharing it equitably—was […]

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Finding the PositiveKathryn Nelson

  I had to stop watching the mainstream news. I turned off my notifications, stopped doom-scrolling. I closed my eyes, put my fingers in my ears. My heart couldn’t take any more, it was breaking with shame and anger, guilt and despair at what my fellow humans are doing to each other, to our planet. […]

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There is a planJessica Townsend

  It has taken 3.5 billion years of life for this planet to evolve into its present beauty and complexity. Yet it has only taken my lifetime for half the carbon emissions now present to appear in the atmosphere. Today everything alive on our miraculous Earth is under threat. Yet there is a plan, which […]

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It’s Pandora’s BoxVenetia Welby

  Writers Rebel is delighted to be able to publish an exclusive excerpt from Venetia Welby’s new novel, Dreamtime.   ‘So, where is he then, your dad?’ Carter’s hand is creeping towards her bony hip. Very illicit. ‘Won’t he come to your Family Week?’ Sol does not answer. She thinks about how Carter sold his […]

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Mud-Luscious and Puddle-WonderfulLucy Jones

  Writers Rebel is thrilled to publish an excerpt from Lucy Jones’ book, Losing Eden.   In 2007, the words ‘acorn’ and ‘buttercup’ were taken out of the Oxford Children’s Dictionary, in favour of words like ‘broadband’ and ‘cut and paste’ to reflect changing usage of the language. ‘Hamster’, ‘heron’, ‘herring’, ‘king sher’, ‘lark’, ‘leopard’, […]

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How to Tell a Story to Save the World 5Toby Litt

  In this final couple of chapters, we find some signs of resistance to the dominance of Heroism in two of the most successful films of all time.   AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR 2018 and AVENGERS: ENDGAME 2019   Unlikely as it may seem, the two recent Avengers films give signs of possible hope. (I’m going […]

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They have given us no reason to trust themEmma Garnett

  This is an edited version of a speech given to XR Scientists at the Science Museum on 29th August 2021 My name is Emma. I am a Research Fellow at Cambridge University looking at behaviour change and sustainable diets. But I’m not here to talk about that. Instead, I’ve been asked to speak today […]

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How to Tell a Story to Save the World 4Toby Litt

  This time we look at the most recent of the screenwriting gurus, John Yorke, and then take a hard look at the transformations of World War Z. What happens when a novel without a hero goes through four of the scriptwriting machines?   INTO THE WOODS: HOW STORIES WORK AND WHY WE TELL THEM […]

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Read: Iggy Fox’s Defence StatementIggy Fox

Iggy Fox on the Eros Statue in London.

  The wildlife biologist and campaigner Raphael Coleman, known in XR as Iggy Fox, joined Extinction Rebellion as part of the Media and Messaging team in 2018. He was active in XR Youth, a beloved member of the Snowflakes affinity group, and the force behind XR’s iconic Paint The Streets campaigns. When still a zoology student, he […]

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Support the Tufton 3Jessica Townsend

A Writers Rebel Campaign On Trial for Causing Criminal Damage to the Home of Dark Money   Extinction Rebellion co-founder Clare Farrell, Professor Rupert Read and I are in the heart of London to perform an act of civil disobedience. Later, we expect to be arrested. I don’t know about the others, but I’m nervous. […]

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Parents for a Future – how do we broaden the movement?Rupert Read

  Walking along the street the other day, I overheard a fragment of a conversation. A mother with a pushchair was saying confidently said to her friend, ‘You know me, I’d do anything to protect my kids’.  It’s a variation of a phrase I have often heard but, just recently, the urge to interrupt and […]

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Writing on the landJames Flint

  John Richard Granville Stevens — Granville to everyone who knows him — is standing in the field behind his farmhouse, showing me his roots. While he’s doing this, I’m thinking about Franz Kafka’s short story “In the Penal Settlement”. Farmer Granville Stevens standing in one of his cover crops. [Photo credit: JAMES FLINT]   […]

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