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How Factory Farming Threatens Us AllClare Druce

As Christmas approaches, Clare Druce, founder of Chickens’ Lib, reminds us of the damage done by factory farming chickens and turkeys. Factory farming promised plentiful cheap food. Instead, it has given us giant corporations where the profit motive reigns supreme, while  ‘food animals’ suffer on an unprecedented scale. Treating animals like machines  goes hand in […]

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The Case for Rewilding the ClimateBill McGuire

From micro-plastics in the snows of Everest and Antarctica, to carrier bags at the bottom of the 11km-deep Marianas Trench, and the billions of particulates infesting the brains of our children, nowhere and no-one on our planet remains uncontaminated by the polluting by-blow of early 21st century human activities. The atmosphere too is tainted, it’s […]

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The marvellous and mischevious Emma Thompson on the plight of the puffinEmma Thompson

The marvellous Dame Emma Thompson gave a melancholy and mischievous call out to the Puffin for our On the Brink event when she found herself unable to “research puffins amidst the musty stacks” of the London Library “prevented by this latest lockdown.” She relies, instead on her “straggling and intermittent memory” to give us “everything […]

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Read: Sowing the Seeds of HopeGary Paul Nabhan

What do we do when climate change threatens more than just a species and its habitat, but puts at risk thousands of years of relationships between land-based cultures and their most sacred plants? When Adla Massoud and her friends invited me to join them for a  pilgrimage to the northernmost stands of Cedars of Lebanon […]

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ACT: Take a stand against extinctionOn the Brink: Support conservation missions

Changing destructive policies is one of the biggest ways to halt the loss of habitats and exploitative practices that affect the most at-risk species on the planet. Writers Rebel and Extinction Rebellion are committed to holding governments to account to reverse the devastating losses to biodiversity that the Anthropocene has caused. If you’ve not yet […]

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READ: They All Run TogetherJoin us for On the Brink: Mon 30th Nov, 7pm GMT

This year for Remembrance Day for Lost Species, November 30th, Writers Rebel are bringing together 20 writers from around the globe including Margaret Atwood, Amitav Ghosh, Elizabeth Kolbert, Ben Okri, Homero Aridjis and others to each tell  the story of one animal. Please join us for this free landmark event. Below, Writers Rebel member Alex […]

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Listen: Where is the heart of climate denial in the UK?

    Who are the main people and organisations coming between the UK people and policy progress to address the climate and ecological emergency? Questions like this led Writers Rebel to organize an action in a quiet privileged street in the heart of the parliamentary district in London. The Writers Rebel action in Tufton Street: No More […]

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Read: Q&A with M John HarrisonMonique Roffey

M John Harrison is a much-celebrated multi-award winning veteran writer of science fiction and speculative fiction. He recently won the 2020 Goldsmiths/New Statesmen Award for The Sunken Land Begins to Rise Again. Here, he talks to Writers Rebel co-founder, and writer Monique Roffey, whose novel The Mermaid of Black Conch was also shortlisted for the […]

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Watch: The Romanticists’ NightmareBrandon RA Pestano

‘The Romanticist’s Nightmare’ – An original poem accompanied by long lost historical archive footage of nature, contrasted with horrifying scenes of pollution, as a response to William Morris as a romanticist poet and proto-environmentalist during the time of the industrial revolution and the destruction of natural habitats and ecosystems.  I have often thought about our responsibilities […]

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Read: White Snow, SnowNancy Campbell

  Hau kea white snow, snow (Hawaiian)   In this tropical archipelago, snow is most likely to be found on a simmering crater. In winter the temperature at the summits of Mauna Loa, Haleakala and Mauna Kea – the state’s three tallest volcanoes – drops to below freezing. Mauna Kea means ‘white mountain’ and it […]

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Read: The Danish Mink CrisisCarsten Jensen

  There are a million species under threat of extinction throughout the world, with as many as two hundred disappearing every day. But amongst these there is one species whose passing we need not mourn: the Danish mink farmer.  Even before Covid jumped the species barrier from humans to mink and back again, mutating into […]

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Read: Hope in the Amazon: Interview with Jimmy Piaguaje

Jimmy Piaguaje is a young indigenous Siekopai defender from Siekoya Remolino, a community of 53 families living on the banks of the Aguarico River in the northeastern Ecuadorian Amazon region. The Siekopai (which means multicoloured people) are renowned for their shamanic acumen and knowledge of medicinal plants, with uses for over 1,000 different plants. According […]

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Watch: Esther Stanford-Xosei reading Ken Saro-Wiwa

The following reading is from Ken Saro-Wiwa’s speech, which he was prevented from reading in court towards the end of his trial by the Military Tribunal, that sentenced him to death by hanging on October 31, 1995. It gives historical context to the justice-focused activism of communities of resistance in Nigeria, like the Movement for […]

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Leer: Esperanza en la Amazonía: Entrevista con Jimmy Piaguaje

Jimmy Piaguaje es un joven activista indígena Siekopai de Siekoya Remolino, una comunidad de 53 familias que viven a orillas del río Aguarico en la región amazónica nororiental ecuatoriana. Los Siekopai (que significa personas multicolores) son conocidos por su perspicacia chamánica y su conocimiento sobre plantas medicinales, con usos para más de 1,000 plantas diferentes. […]

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Read: Wind ApplauseTerry Tempest Williams

  When the news finally came that the democratic candidate Joe Biden had won the state of Pennsylvania, putting him over the 270 electoral college votes needed to win the United States presidential election, our household cheered! I ran outside – not to the streets because where we live there are none – but because […]

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