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Read: MigrationTim Loveday

Photograph of the writer Tim Loveday.
Photograph of the writer Tim Loveday.
Tim Loveday
+ posts





migration has lost 

its language. birds

commence reverse 

flight. head for land

that does not exist. 


island holds breath, 

throws up sick. 

human limbs made

tides rogue whip. 

birds circle, cry. 


is choking 



our talk is famous. 


when lunged 

with death 

you were brick.

a witness in 

the pyre. 


unborn poems

aborted. love 

letters mouthed

but never signed. 


Tim Loveday is an editor, a poet, a writer, and a clown-lark. His poetry/prose have appeared in The Big Smoke, Literacy learning, Adelaide Review, Quadrant, Meniscus, Cordite, Text Journal, The Big Issue, and Brain drip, among others. He is the content editor at Hyperviolet Designs and the verse editor for The Creative Hub of Extinction Rebellion. He currently resides in Hawthorn East, traditional land of the Wurundjeri people.


Act now: Support BirdLife International.