Tag: Climate Change
Where the River Runs Gold | Sita Brahmachari
The Joyful Environmentalist: how to practice without preaching | Isobel Losada
The Treeline | Ben Rawlence
The Most Important Comic Book on Earth: stories to save the world | Rewriting Extinction
Read: Q&A with Diana McCaulayDiana McCaulay and Monique Roffey

Diana McCaulay, Jamaican environmentalist and author of Daylight Come, (Peepal Tree Press), spoke with Trinidadian author and Writers Rebel co-founder, Monique Roffey. They talked about about ‘Goatillas’, a carbon Neutral Caribbean, deadly heat, and Climate Change as bedfellow with our Colonial past. Diana, congratulations on publishing such a relevant book for our […]
Read More… from Read: Q&A with Diana McCaulayDiana McCaulay and Monique Roffey
Read: Q&A with Neel MukherjeeNeel Mukherjee

What do you think might be the role of writers in the Anthropocene? I’m not sure writers have much of a role in the world we inhabit now, or that we ever did: literature is wildly overrated; remember Auden’s ‘Poetry makes nothing happen’? I say this with sorrow and anger and disillusionment, not triumph. […]
Watch: Paul Hilder lays out the facts of the matterPaul Hilder

Paul Hilder was one of twenty speakers at 55 Tufton Street. His was the most forensic attack on Climate Change denial. After watching this, you’ll be left in no doubt how we’re being played, and who we’re being played by. If you feel strongly about the climate and ecological emergency, join us and help […]
Read More… from Watch: Paul Hilder lays out the facts of the matterPaul Hilder