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  Following her appearance at The Big One on April 21st 2023, Zadie Smith has shared the definite text of her piercing speech with Writers Rebel. It is reproduced here exclusively.    Hello. I want to speak to you today about a man called Craig Mackinlay, MP. Craig campaigns against flagship green policies, and is […]

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Bill McGuire’s letter to Fritz Vahrenholt of the GWPF

  Dear Dr Fritz Vahrenholt, You will be aware of Steve Baker’s decision to stand down from his position as Trustee in order to take up his government post unmarred by an association with the Global Warming Policy Foundation. I write to you in earnest to ask you to consider doing the same. You must […]

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Charlie Gardner’s letter to Fritz Vahrenholt of the GWPF

  Dear Professor Vahrenholt, I write to you as a conservation scientist, having spent my career working to stop the decline of nature across the world. I have read some of your work, and like you I am concerned about the potential impacts of rapid decarbonisation on the natural world, particularly if renewable energy infrastructure […]

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Rupert Read’s Letter to Peter Edwards of the GWPF

20th September 2022   Dear Professor Edwards,  I am writing to you in regards to your position as a trustee of the Global Warming Policy Foundation. As you will know Steve Baker recently left that role and I am hoping to persuade you to also step down.  I am an associate professor, working at a […]

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Natasha Walter’s Letter to Graham Stringer of the GWPF

  Dear Mr Stringer, I am writing to you about your position as trustee of the Global Warming Policy Foundation.  I am puzzled as to why you, as a Labour member of Parliament, have taken on such a role.  I am a member of the Labour party and while I welcome breadth of debate among […]

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Julia Steinberger’s letter to Michael J Kelly of the GWPF

    Dear Professor Michael J Kelly, I am writing to you as a scientist. I have a PhD in experimental physics, and moved on to study the biophysical resource use of economies, as well as the links between social progress and resource use. I have led a very successful project entitled “Living Well Within […]

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Toby Litt’s Letter to Terence Mordaunt of the GWPFToby Litt

  Dear Terence Mordaunt, all your working life, you’ve been a man of the sea. As co-founder of the Bristol Port Company, it’s the key element of your immensely successful business. But even before that, you were – as I understand it – a navigating apprentice in the Merchant Navy. I’m sure you must have […]

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Monique Roffey’s Letter to Kathy Gyngell of the GWPF

12th September, 2022 Dear Kathy Gyngell, I’m a well-known novelist and co-founder of Writers Rebel and I’m writing to you because Steve Baker announced last week that he’d been given a role in Liz Truss’s new government as junior minister in the Northern Ireland office. A day later, he stepped down from his role as […]

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Sir Jonathon Porritt’s Letter to Jerome Booth of the GWPF

Sunday 2nd October   Dear Jerome Booth,   Forgive me contacting you out of the blue – but I was  just reading about your association with the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) in today’s Observer! That came as something of a surprise, I have to say, given the acumen you have brought to bear on […]

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There is a planJessica Townsend

  It has taken 3.5 billion years of life for this planet to evolve into its present beauty and complexity. Yet it has only taken my lifetime for half the carbon emissions now present to appear in the atmosphere. Today everything alive on our miraculous Earth is under threat. Yet there is a plan, which […]

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