Bill McGuire
Professor Bill McGuire is a volcanologist and Emeritus Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards at University College London. His main interests include volcano instability and lateral collapse, the nature and impact of global geophysical events and the effect of climate change on geological hazards. McGuire has appeared on many TV shows including Horizon.
Dear Dr Fritz Vahrenholt,
You will be aware of Steve Baker’s decision to stand down from his position as Trustee in order to take up his government post unmarred by an association with the Global Warming Policy Foundation. I write to you in earnest to ask you to consider doing the same.
You must surely recognise that your credibility and moral standing will have been compromised with the revelations of the Open Democracy investigation that the Global Warming Policy Foundation has been secretly funded by American fossil fuel interests which launder their investment through a series of clandestine organisations including those associated with white suprematism.
I hope you will also agree that it is vital, as we face ever more imminent climatic tipping points, that the scientific understanding is sound and based on an expert consensus: a consensus based on blind peer review and the process of controlled “falsification.”

The avoidance by the GWPF of the process of blind peer review has allowed papers into the public domain where data have been disingenuously cherry picked to support an ideological position rather than for greater understanding. This skewing has often been allowed to stand despite complaints from the original authors and accusations of misrepresentation.
You cannot, in your heart of hearts, be any less fearful than we are of the overwhelming objective agreement that we face societal breakdown within decades if we continue pumping CO2 into the atmosphere.
And the tone of discourse emanating from Tufton Street is increasingly unbecoming of an organisation with any aspirations to be taken seriously. When Harry Wilkinson admits that the screams of injured climate activists “are incredibly satisfying” I hope you realise that this organisation is not a force for good.
We call on you to look to your conscience and stand down from your position as Trustee, a role which lends false credibility to an organisation with transparent ulterior motives: one that is working against the wellbeing of the population.
The next generation will thank you too.
Yours faithfully,
Professor Bill McGuire
We consider the GWPF to be the climate denial arm of the dark money and fossil fuel lobby network based in London’s infamous Tufton Street, whose close connections to the government make it a significant obstacle to progress in addressing the climate emergency. If you feel the same, let the GWPF know by emailing info@thegwpf.org (FAO Fritz Vahrenholt), and cc’ing us at xrwritersrebel@gmail.com.
Professor Bill McGuire is a volcanologist and Emeritus Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards at University College London. His main interests include volcano instability and lateral collapse, the nature and impact of global geophysical events and the effect of climate change on geological hazards. McGuire has appeared on many TV shows including Horizon.