Sandy Winterbottom
Posts by Sandy Winterbottom
Dolphins don’t just die in other placesHarry Eckman
Do you remember the 2016 news story about the baby dolphin washed up on an Argentinian beach? Rather than help it, dozens of tourists at the Santa Teresita beach resort simply took selfies with it. The saddest image was the final one: the dolphin’s corpse left discarded on the beach after it succumbed to […]
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Out of Time: Poetry From the Climate EmergencyKate Simpson
Can you tell us a little more about the anthology ‘Out of Time: Poetry From the Climate Emergency’ why and how did it come about? Was there any particular ‘trigger’ that compelled you to edit this collection? 2021 has been such a pivotal year for the planet, and it brought together many key events […]
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What’s in a name?Kyra Hanson
Opposite the window where I type is a tree I have no name for. In summer, its fuchsia pink tendrils droop over the pavement like a flamboyant feather duster. I think of it often: the arbour beneath those arching branches, the gap in my mind where a name should be. In 2015, Sheffield’s street […]
Some Things Are Not Nothing – Short StoryLyndsay Wheble
Mum spent a lot of time at Grandad’s house that summer; she always sighed before she went. Sometimes, she’d be half-out of the door, car keys in hand, and I’d make a coffee and she’d sit down again. As if she’d never intended to go. It’s difficult, she’d say. The summer light would glow […]
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Lost landscapes and the grief of nature’s tessellationsJasmin Kirkbride
Wherever there is the potential for planting, I will garden. Whether it’s in a pot or on a balcony, or in my own dear garden which I’ve been raking and sowing since March. I write about the garden in a weekly mailing list, Pond Tales, chronicling the antics of the frogs and birds. However, […]
Read More… from Lost landscapes and the grief of nature’s tessellationsJasmin Kirkbride
Cantadora and the Path of HopeWhitney McVeigh
The globally-resonant word ‘cantadora’ is a play on the Spanish/Italian/Portuguese word ‘cantador,’ meaning singer. Part of an ancient oral tradition, it refers to storytelling that arises from personal and collective history. In the many landscapes that have shaped me as a human, and as an artist, I have found and experienced cantadora again and […]
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Q&A with Vanessa OnwuemeziVanessa Onwuemezi
Your first collection of short stories, Dark Neighbourhood (Fitzcarraldo, 2021), is very much about the contemporary moment. Issues of displacement and accelerating change run throughout it. It’s a brilliantly unsettling book. What effect were you hoping the stories would have on their readers? I hope that the readers will be able to rest in the ambiguity […]
Rupert Read’s Court StatementRupert Read
May I start with one point of law. I wish to dispute the claim by the Prosecution that our action does not meet the criterion of addressing an ‘imminent’ threat to life. It is well-established in English law that ‘imminence’ does not only mean ‘that very night’ or the like. The classic example is […]
Jessica Townsend’s Court StatementJessica Townsend
Whenever I hear an interviewer or journalist say; ‘We know all about the climate crisis but why are you disrupting the ordinary people of Britain?’ I know that they have seen some headlines and they have probably read a few articles, but they don’t know about the crisis. Not really. If they had […]
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Big Oil Film
Four Lessons for the Long HaulRobin Boardman
When the paramedics came for me in the sweltering days of May 2020 it didn’t feel real. I had just passed out in the heat and collapsed headfirst into a radiator. I’d seen paramedics attend to friends and relatives, but in my feverish state, it didn’t sink in that they would come for me. […]
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Tufton 3 Support Film
Act on Big Oil
BIG OIL IS THE POISON. ACTION IS THE ANTIDOTE Delay is deadly That’s the message of our poster, created by award-wining novelist and Writers Rebel co-founder Monique Roffey, the visual artist Zak Ove, and the graphic designer Ebon Heath. Big Oil refers to BP, Chevron, Eni, ExxonMobil, Shell and Total, the world’s […]
Big Oil Is the PoisonMonique Roffey
What do we mean by ‘Big Oil’ anyway? It’s the umbrella term for BP, Chevron, Eni, ExxonMobil, Shell, and Total, the world’s six largest and richest publicly-traded oil and natural gas producers. Then there’s OPEC. An intergovernmental organisation set up in 1960 by five of the world’s largest oil producing countries, it co-ordinates the […]
Polly Stenham supports the Tufton 3Polly Stenham
Polly Stenham writes for theatre and screen. She shot to fame with the play That Face, which she wrote when she was 19. […]
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Susie Orbach supports the Tufton 3Susie Orbach
Susie Orbach is a psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, writer and social critic and the author of the iconic Fat is the Feminist Issue. […]
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Joe Dunthorne Supports the Tufton 3Joe Dunthorne
Joe Dunthorne is a prize-winning Welsh novelist, poet and journalist. […]
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Rachel Edwards supports the Tufton 3Rachel Edwards
Rachel Edwards is a popular TV and print social commentator and the author of the celebrated novels Darling and Lucky. […]
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Caroline Lucas Supports the Tufton 3Caroline Lucas
Caroline Lucas is the former leader of the Green Party of England and Wales and has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for Brighton Pavilion since 2010. She was re-elected in the 2015, 2017 and 2019 general elections, increasing her majority each time. […]
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Irvine Welsh Supports the Tufton 3Irvine Welsh
Irvine Welsh is the acclaimed Scottish author of the ground-breaking Trainspotting and a host of other novels, as well as plays and short stories. […]
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