Monique Roffey
Monique Roffey is a co-founder of XR Writers Rebel and the Trinidadian-born British writer of novels, essays, literary journalism and a memoir. Her most recent novel, The Mermaid of Black Conch, (Peepal Tree Press) won the Costa Book of the Year Award, 2020, and was nominated for seven major awards. Her work has won many awards and been translated into several languages. She is a Senior Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University and a tutor for the National Writers Centre.
12th September, 2022
Dear Kathy Gyngell,
I’m a well-known novelist and co-founder of Writers Rebel and I’m writing to you because Steve Baker announced last week that he’d been given a role in Liz Truss’s new government as junior minister in the Northern Ireland office. A day later, he stepped down from his role as a trustee of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF).
Steve Baker has been the most publicly visible supporter and trustee of the GWPF and over the last nine months he’s been subject to a great deal of attention and scrutiny from his constituents, from a weekly vigil at his offices, to letters and advertorials in the press. The constituents felt his move to take a role with the GWPF was against the Tory 2019 manifesto to achieve carbon net zero by 2050.

Photo: https://www.thegwpf.org/who-we-are/
I’m writing to you, a trustee of the GWPF, to now consider your own position within the organisation. I know you’re a long-standing member of the GWPF and will feel loyal to it. But, I’m also sure that you’re aware of the recent media revelations that this organisation is in receipt of oil funds in spite of years of denying this. You may also be aware that Writers Rebel (and partners) have made an official Charity Commission complaint which was signed by over a hundred people, including eminent scientists, writers and public figures. Along with myself, those who signed were: writers, Irvine Welsh, Ali Smith, Zadie Smith and David Mitchell, fashion legend Vivienne Westwood, artists Gavin Turk and Cornelia Parker, Baroness Rosie Boycott, and actor Juliette Stevenson. This letter of complaint was made on May 23rd of this year. In case you haven’t seen it, our letter of complaint was to say that the GWPF is ‘not acting in the interest of the public’ and requests that GWPF’s charitable status is removed. This letter is also online here: https://extinctionrebellion.uk/2022/05/23/charity-what-charity-letter-of-complaint-about-the-global-warming-policy-foundations-charity-status/
Your internet presence shows you as a successful, forthright, independent-minded writer, and I can relate to that. I see that we both have a belief in the right to protest though the causes we support are very different. All I ask is that you reconsider your place with the GWPF, an organisation that is becoming notorious for its work to block climate progress. I believe history will judge the GWPF harshly.
When you founded Full Time Mothers/Mothers at Home Matter, I imagine it was from a love of children. I would ask you to think again about the world you want to leave to your children, and their children? If you have any doubts about the work of the GWPF and the effect they are having on the world, surely it is time to gracefully bow out.
Yours sincerely,
Professor Monique Roffey, FRSL
Costa Book of the Year, 2020
Co-Founder, Writers Rebel
We consider the GWPF to be the climate denial arm of the dark money and fossil fuel lobby network based in London’s infamous Tufton Street, whose close connections to the government make it a significant obstacle to progress in addressing the climate emergency. If you feel the same, let the GWPF know by emailing info@thegwpf.org (FAO Kathy Gyngell), and cc’ing us at xrwritersrebel@gmail.com.
Monique Roffey is a co-founder of XR Writers Rebel and the Trinidadian-born British writer of novels, essays, literary journalism and a memoir. Her most recent novel, The Mermaid of Black Conch, (Peepal Tree Press) won the Costa Book of the Year Award, 2020, and was nominated for seven major awards. Her work has won many awards and been translated into several languages. She is a Senior Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University and a tutor for the National Writers Centre.