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For Starters


Join your local Extinction Rebellion group

Local XR groups need writers to develop their narratives, create engaging content and join actions near you. Find your local UK group here. Outside the UK? Click here.


Share Writers Rebel content 

Take a few minutes to read, watch, listen and share Writers Rebel.

Sharing our content is a simple and impactful way to raise awareness of the climate and ecological emergency. If you’ve read something on our site that moved you, please do mention it on social media or when speaking with family, friends and colleagues.


Support Writers Rebel Campaigns

We’ll shortly be launching an exciting new Writers Rebel campaign aimed at the publishing industry! Watch this space and our newsletter for how to get involved!


Help us to platform diverse voices

Writers Rebel is actively looking to platform marginalised voices, activists in the Global South, and those on the frontlines of environmental struggles. If this is you, or someone you know, and you have a story to share with our readers, contact us.


Volunteer for Extinction Rebellion

Various XR teams and groups all over the UK are looking for volunteers with a diversity of skills, for in-person and remote roles. Time commitment starts at 2 hours per week.  The current list of volunteer opportunities can be found here.


Write for Us

At Writers Rebel, we publish work by aspiring writers alongside pieces by more established authors. Find out more about what we’re looking for here.


Join the Writers Rebel team

We are looking for committed, skilled writers from a diversity of backgrounds to join the Writers Rebel team and assist with editorial support, administrative tasks, and a new campaign. A minimum commitment of 4 hours per week is required, plus a weekly 1-hour team meeting via Zoom. If you’d like to be involved, please email with a paragraph about your skills/experience and a paragraph about why you’d like to join the team.


Contact us with your ideas

You can email us directly.